Current Information on my journey
My Blog page has my thoughts, observations and musings on the adventure.
I will update this as long as I have WIFI – every few days or when significant events happen along the way.
The Route taken page has a detailed map of where I have actually been which will be updated periodically. This page is a bit unstable due to the amount of data that it loads from GPX files – I hope it works for you. Zoom in to individual days and see the elevation data or go crazy and zoom in to where you can see where I got off the road to avoid becoming road kill 😉 or where I stayed the night.
My social media presence is via Signal and you can find me on there as Shaun.66 I have also created a group called solarbent that folk can join and chat to myself and others interested in this journey. My participation will be spotty as I rely on WIFI coverage for this.
I have weaned myself off the mainstream information harvesting apps run by FB and Google so I have no Whatsapp or Messenger presence.
Clicking on the image below will take you to my TrackMe InReach Tracking page.
If you click on the pin labelled Shaun and choose ‘Path’ at the bottom of the dropdown box – that will show you where I have sent daily messages from recently.
I do not intend to advertise my real-time position for security reasons but the location of where I send messages to TrackMe/CAP daily will give you a ball park idea of where I am.