Into Victoria

Wednesday 18th September 35km ride 65km ferry across Spencer gulf

Cowell to Kadina

A blue day with a nice lazy lie in as the ferry across the gulf didn’t leave until midday. Headed for Kadina and a motor camp but was turned away for I’m not sure what logical reason just a sign that said they were full when it was obvious they weren’t.

Rode toward Arthurton just because… Looking for promising wild camping spots. Found a good looking piece of wasteland behind some bushes and rolled in. A walk around to see what I had stumbled on revealed a chap leaning on his car. My first instincts were to flee but then I approached him and explained what I was doing and why. To my surprise he said it was an old church site and local reserve that I was welcome to camp on. Was there anything else I needed? 🙂

Thursday 19th 140km

To Burra

I have decided to go inland rather than explore the coast as the forecast looks pretty dismal there. I had a nice tailwind All the way but not much in the way of sunshine until I reached Burra when all the clouds disappeared. It was really pleasant traveling along quiet country roads with most cars slowing down to ogle at my strange contraption.

Another wild camp tonight behind some low shrubbery to protect the tent from the bolshy SW wind that is rattling through.

Interesting wildlife day – 1 live fox, 1 dead Wombat, numerous Kangaroo carcasses, several live Emu’s.

Although I don’t recognize anything specific yet I’m pretty sure I rode through here on the way north a few months back.

Friday 20th 150km

To Overland corner

A windy and rainy start to the day so had a wee lie in. A nice tailwind once I got going. Started to recognize little things as I mooched along but was caught out by the fruit and veg bin to stop fruit fly introduction to the Murray river area. Cooked up the last of my veg here rather than throwing them in the bin.

Stopped in Waikerie to stock up again and headed up the Murray’s North side for ~30km enjoying the tailwind to a camp overlooking the Murray.

Saturday 21st 180km

To Mildura

The forecast is showing dry inland with SW wind until Wednesday when a high pressure system moves in dropping the temp and setting up a few days of easterly quarter winds so will head East until Wednesday.

The road has been great as I start through Victoria nice wide sealed shoulders so the heavy traffic is not a problem. Bit cloudy today so am in a motor camp to top up and shower.