The only constant in life is change
Life has happened since my last post and most of what I wrote then is now painted a…
An update on thoughts and plans
After much mulling the plan is to start an adventure in Santiago, Chile and begin a pan american…
What worked and what didn’t
It became apparent fairly early on that my plan to ride to Europe through Asia was going to…
The Aussie journey draws to a close
Arapiles has been a highlight of the trip – the people here were super friendly with energy and…
Arapiles and the possum attack
What a fantastic place Arapiles is. A few friends used to make a pilgrimage to Arapiles in the…
Zero’s at Mildura
Decided on a few zero days as this place is relaxing, cheap and friendly (mostly). The ‘mostly’ refers…
(be)Spoke plan variation
I left Midura heading East along the A20 and was not very impressed with the lack of shoulder…
Into Victoria
Wednesday 18th September 35km ride 65km ferry across Spencer gulf Cowell to Kadina A blue day with a…

Tyler Moore
Hello, my name is Tyler Moore and with the help of many people I made this template. I made it so it is super easy to update and so that it flows perfectly with my tutorials. I wish you the best of luck with your business, enjoy the adventure.
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