Leaden skies, a chat with a local Bobby, views and power management thoughts

Tuesday. Leaden skies but a dry start from just North of Burra. Nothing coming in from the panels until 8:30 then rain between 9 and 10 🙁 Mt Bryon which boasts a population of 70 seemed to be the hub for wind generation in the area. Jamestown stop for lunch and food stock up. Set up camp in Appila and was cooking dinner when Paul the policeman called in as a stranger had been seen wandering round the disused pub across the road. He was a wealth of knowledge about cycling toward Melrose which was helpful as I’m not that keen on finding another paper road!

Wednesday.  A pleasant day discovering cycle paths between Booleroo and Wilmington.  Just beyond Wilmington I turned off and rode up to a spectacular camping spot at Hancock’s lookout.

Hancock’s lookout looking toward Port Augusta

Quite a dreamy sunset view as the chilly southerly blew low cloud through with light rain as it grew dark.

Some reading these missifs might be interested in how I manage the power balance on the bike. I use ~50w to overcome the inherent drag of the electrics and weight on flat ground to pedal as if I was on an unladen bike at ~10kph. ~100w is dialed up to cruise comfortably at around 15kph. ~150w allows me to step up to ~20kph during peak harvesting time in the middle of the day. I don’t harvest more than 50w until 8:30 earliest but this ramps up fairly quickly to over 100w by 9:30 if no cloud is about. On a perfect day I get over 200w coming in while I’m riding for max 3hrs in the middle of the day. Of course whenever I stop and orient the panels perfectly these numbers rise to peak at 400w for a great portion of the day. On quite a few days with total cloud cover I have peaked at 100w harvest so am very limited in what I can draw. Overall the experience has been fantastic so far and I expect to harvest more consistently as I move inland over the coming weeks.