Thursday. I got super stressed mid morning as I tried to deal with a strong NE crosswind that got exaggerated whenever a road train passed heading south threatening to rip my canopy and solar panel away. Thankfully this died away after midday and I had a great afternoon run to finish with 125km.
Friday. A day of cloud with a cooler southerly – quartering tailwind ๐ Last night was really noisy with road trains, one particularly bored truckie sat on his horn at 2am which I failed to be amused by. Found a much nicer spot tonight north of Marla well off the road. Lots of waves and friendly toots today with an Indian couple stopping and offering water and fruit. 130km. All going well tomorrow should see me in the Northern Territory.
Saturday.ย My first day without a cloud all day – yay ๐ Few undulations and long straights made for fast travel (relatively speaking of course). The only fly in the ointment was my first puncture. It was a slow leak so I stopped every couple of hours and topped it up. Made the border at 3:30 and with water available and a dog bowl to dip the tube in I was able to locate the two holes. One hole I patched successfully the other I gave up on after three attempts and just put my spare tube in. I assume Alice Springs will have a bike shop with tubes!!! Wow I’m now in the Northern territory.

Sunday. 170km – yeehah ๐ต from the border. Tomorrow I have 130km to Alice which should be doable. Brief stop at Erldunda to get wifi and check email. Even had enough daylight left to get myself 90% charged and ready for the morrow.