Sunday 25th – 170km
Carnarvon to Carbla
Monday 26th – 190km
To Galena bridge
Chatting to different folk while here I was offered a place to stay in Perth with Steve and Joy
Tuesday 27th – 130km
To Geraldton
The photo at the top was taken here. A quiet serene seascape on the Indian ocean.
Wednesday 28th – 185km
To Leeman
An unpleasant ride for the first 1/2 of the day with a busy road, very small shoulders and rumble strips restricting my placement on the road. Followed in the afternoon by a wide shouldered road with very little traffic – yeehah.
Thursday 29th 150km
To Ledge point
A rotten weather morning cycling in a strong westerly crosswind with showers coming through. This improved late morning with the clouds dissipating and a couple of small windows where I was harvesting 500W which I hadn’t seen before. The traffic volumes were light and I was camped early so the battery was fully charged before dark to allow me to call on it early for the last stretch to Perth.
Friday 30th 125km
To Perth
Another grotty morning with a strong westerly all day and showers in the morning. The road was narrow and the traffic volume was increasing as I got to within commuting distance of Perth. Interestingly the worst part of the road was just on the outskirts of Perth at Yanchep forest – super narrow, with large traffic volumes and trees right to the road edge dropping branches in the shoulders to make life even more tense. This all of a sudden turned into a 4 lane with wide shoulders then into a freeway with a dedicated brand new cycleway built alongside which I was enjoying until it came to an abrupt end at Joondalup as they were presumably building the next section. I went out to the coast then and found another cycleway running right down the coast and in to Subiaco and Steve and Joy’s place. Over 40km of dedicated cycleway, very nice.

Steve has invited me to meet his cycle mates tomorrow morning then I need to chase down a new tyre as the left trailer tyre has worn down through the rubber in places. The other three tyres are still looking good. Yet another reason to look at a single tyre trailer. The other thing I am going to try and find is a Pinion gearbox oil change kit as I have now done 9000km and the recommended change distance is 10000.
A whole lot of dwelling is going on about what to do next and I’ll continue to mull as I ride East back to Melbourne and back to NZ. The prospect of the poor food offered and lack of fresh air and freedom offered by a Russian prison if I was to be abducted for a prisoner swap is hanging as a possibility if I was to pursue my last plan to travel through Russia and Mongolia.
Should I explore the possibilities of accessing Mongolia through China???
Should I go to Canada and travel across there instead? The season works – June start??? South America after this???
Anyone reading this have thoughts… I am loving the self sufficient nature of my journey and would like to continue exploring. A few months improving the bike and trailer and organising Visa’s while enjoying a NZ summer appeals.
5 responses to “Carnarvon to Perth”
I’d go south America and Canada, stay away from war zones…?
Hey Shaun,
Loving the trip reports. You’ll be in Melbourne in no time !
Tiera del Fuego to Alaska would keep you busy.
Glad you’re enjoying the rants 🤠
That route certainly has some appeal but I would have to start at the top if I began in June. Short days don’t lend themselves to great solar harvesting 🙃
The high solar peaks may be from cloud edge effect.
Enjoying your journey
Good blog catchup, thanks. The wind should be at you back on the way East. Safe trip.