Darwinian bliss

Y’all have to excuse my blog bombing but today has been too exciting after my travails of late not to post a positive experience.
I have just arrived back at the campground after 80km of blissful cycling around Darwin. Not dragging a trailer, solar pouring in to the batteries – being able to squander the battery energy and zoom along without the need to be conservative, a gorgeous network of cycle paths throughout the town but especially right along the coast up to lee point. Life is good.

It has been also been great spending time with other nomads in the campground – David – Jo and their 2 smalls, Tony, Mike and Nibs who presented me with a multi-meter when I arrived back today!
The stories shared last night will keep me chuckling at odd moments I am sure over the coming weeks. I was just chatting with Jo about the supportive network that bubbles along underneath the traveling community. It is certainly nice to be part of this.

I even went for a swim at the campground (not a common occurrence for me) which was refreshing and welcomed.

I have also just heard back from a warmshowers host who is happy to have me camped on her lawn for a couple of days here so I shall spend some time organising the next leg or two of the journey in a civilised and relaxed environment.

4 responses to “Darwinian bliss”

  1. harry0 Avatar

    Hi Shaun, Just had a catchup on where you are at,
    Had a similar issue with a faulty connection with the solar in the bus, took ages to track down. But was so simple to fix 🫤.
    Cheers Harry

  2. Jo Warner Avatar
    Jo Warner

    Hi Shaun I finally found your blog I was originally looking for solarvent.com and was wondering where it was. It
    was absolutely amazing to meet you as it is meeting all these wonderful nomadic people on their travels.
    I was absolutely intrigued with you and your adventures as you mentioned (it was just a bike ride).
    You have reignited my passion to follow our own dreams.
    You are so down to earth and authentic which is so refreshing and lovely to be around.
    Good luck on your travels and God speed. 😊

    1. Shaun Gilbert Avatar

      Thanks for the kind words Jo 🙂
      You and David are also inspirational and perhaps our paths may cross again in Vancouver??? 🙏
      Back to work now girl or the boys will go hungry 😉

  3. Mary & Graham Avatar
    Mary & Graham

    Fabulous to be having some ‘fun’ and neat companionship, and super bike ride. G & M