
  • A penny drops

    I was awoken at 4am in Morgan to my alarm chirping again  ☹ . What do I have…

  • Flying

    Starting with a full tank and heading down the Murray with a day of full sunshine made for…

  • Sandhills, a zero day, meeting a cycling musician and relaxing by the river 🙁

    I left Bordertown Wed morning using Komoot to guide me back out to join up with my original…

  • Burglar thwarted

    It is 3:30am and 1/2hr ago my Bordo 6000 bike lock alarm sounded its 6 chirps to say…

  • A change of state

    Horsham laid on my first frosty morning of the trip followed by a stella day with little wind…

  • Testing systems

    The Weather is improving markedly as I head NorthWest. New systems getting tested every day now especially after…

  • Random successes and failures

    Successes . The build went smoothly with the exception of a couple of wayward nuts that went awol..…

  • The start line 😉

    About to be under my own steam at last. I spent yesterday in Melbourne picking up a couple…

  • HB Today article

    I just received a wonderful email from Alex whom I lost contact with many years ago prompted by…

  • Airport stress

    A 4am start in Hav Nth to get the bags/bike all checked in by 5:15. First glitch was…